Rattan Furniture

what's old is now new


We recently remodeled our attic into a cozy guest suite. Time to shop for some inviting furniture and decor!

We needed a space where guests could work and relax. I fell in love with these rattan pieces from HomeGoods!

Pillow hoarders UNITE

HomeGoods is my happy place!

Wicker and rattan have made a major comeback in the home decor world!

design trend

This cabinet is so fun!

It's soft silhouette and texture was an eye catcher.


A wood tray contains  drinks and goodies for my arriving guests

cozy corner

We added fresh towels and plush accents like a faux fur rug and down accent pillow

a room with a VIEW

another rattan chair is the perfect spot to sit and enjoy the lush backyard

basking in the 


don't tell anyone but I love to escape up there for some peace and quiet!

retro lover

Interior designer and stylist Amie  Freling loves to shop! Come follow along as she fills up multiple carts on her shopping excursions!
