Our Kitchen Renovation
Before, During, & After
Just ove 16 years ago we stumbled upon a fixer upper with a seriously outdated kitchen. Come see the transformation!
-Amie Freling
it was half the size and blocked off from the dining area!
There was a pleather accordion door, old appliances and a dark blue carpet! UGH!
dark and closed in
23 dumpters later we took her down to the studs.
We chose stained wood cabinets for the perimeter and a black painted island.
Install Day!
up went the drywall and a bright open floor plan gathering and dining area appeared.
no more paneling
Just a few years ago we upgraded all our appliances, countertops, backsplash and lighting!
Kitchen LOVE
According to Interior designer & consultant Amie Freling the kitchen is the heart of the home! Cooking up beautiful and functional kitchens is her jam!